In Mexico 16% of the energy produced comes from hydropower, while only 3.4% are solar , wind and geothermal sources. currently 80% of energy consumed are fossils, according to figures from the ministry of energy.The reform achieved increase national production to 3.5 million barrels of oil and nearly double gas production, ie continue fovoring the use of hydrocarbons.
The reform itself may not be sustainable because it promotes the use of hydrocarbons.
Mexico can not continue seeing hydrocarbons, which show high volatility in prices and high risks for the environmental impacts associated with them, the opportunity to develop and present and future competitiveness. Energy security and sustainability will be a reality only if we are committed to renewable energy.This is the train of the XXI century Mexico can not miss.
The reform suggests that the more production barrels will be more profitable PEMEX -
although it is clear that lack of profitability is due in large part to poor management, lack of transparency and corruption.
although it is clear that lack of profitability is due in large part to poor management, lack of transparency and corruption.
My comment
Not is an energy reform, since it only focus on the oil and no other sources of energy, rather it is a reform pemex.
que parte de que es la investigación y no el comentario no entiendes